
Operators and Symbols

This appendix provides a glossary of Glu’s syntax, encompassing operators and symbols used independently or within paths, generics, macros, attributes, comments, and brackets.


This table lists operators in Glu, along with examples of their contextual usage, brief explanations, and indicates whether each operator is overloadable. Operators are listed alongside their precedences.

Operator Example Explanation Overloadable
. expr . ident Access to a member of a struct false
! !expr Bitwise or logical complement true
? : pat ? pat : pat Ternary pattern false
% expr % expr Arithmetic remainder true
% var %= expr Arithmetic remainder and assignment true
!= expr != expr Nonequality comparison true
.* expr.* Dereference true
: ident : type Specify type false
& &expr Take the address of a value false
& expr & expr Bitwise And true
&= var &= expr Bitwise And and assignment true
&& expr && expr Short-circuiting logical AND true
* *type Raw pointer type false
* *(...) -> type Function pointer type false
* expr * expr Arithmetic multiplication true
*= var *= expr Arithmetic multiplication and assignment true
+ expr + expr Arithmetic addition true
+= var += expr Arithmetic addition and assignment true
/ expr / expr Arithmetic division true
/= var /= expr Arithmetic division and assignment true
- - expr Arithmetic negation true
- expr - expr Arithmetic substraction true
-= var -= expr Arithmetic substraction and assignment true
== expr == expr Equality comparison true
|| expr || expr Short-circuiting logical OR true
> expr > expr Greater then comparison true
>= expr >= expr Greater then or equal comparison true
< expr < expr Lesser then comparison true
<= expr <= expr Lesser then or equal comparison true
-> func ident(...) -> type Function return type false
... expr... Infinite Left-inclusive range literal false
... expr...expr From expr to expr inclusive range literal false
..< expr..<expr From expr to expr Right-exclusive range literal false
<< expr << expr Left-shift true
<<= var <<= expr Left-shift and assignment true
>> expr >> expr Right-shift true
>>= var >>= expr Right-shift and assignment true
^ expr ^ expr Bitwise exclusive OR true
^= var ^= expr Bitwise exclusive OR and assignment true
| expr | expr Bitwise OR true
|= var |= expr Bitwise OR and assignment true
; expr; statement terminator false
, expr, expr Argument and elements separator false
[] expr[expr] Increment and dereference pointer true


The following list includes all symbols that do not act as operators, meaning they do not function like a call to a function.

Symbol Explanation
"..." String literal
'...' ASCII byte literal
ident::ident Namespace path
ident::ident Lib path
func ident<ident>() Specify a generic type for a function
path::* Wild card to import every modules from a path
{...} Bloc expression
Type {...} Struct literal
Type[] = {...} Array literal
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