
Glu Language Keywords

The following list contains keywords that are reserved for current or future use by the Glu language.

  • as - perform primitive casting, disambiguate the specific trait containing an item, or rename items in import statements
  • break - exit a loop
  • continue - continue to the next loop iteration
  • else - alternative for if control flow constructs
  • enum - define an enumeration
  • false - Boolean false literal
  • for - iterate over items from an iterator
  • func - define a function
  • if - branching based on the outcome of a conditional expression
  • import - allow to use a specific library
  • in - used in the for loop syntax
  • let - define a constant
  • operator - define or redefine an operator
  • or - syntax sugar for ||
  • and - syntax sugar for &&
  • return - return from a function
  • struct - define a data structure
  • true - Boolean true literal
  • typealias - define a type alias
  • var - define a variable
  • while - conditional loop based on the outcome of an expression
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